In the past, Kareena Kapoor went to the house Amrita Arora's house with son Taimur Ali Khan. Kareena got down from the car and started going to Amrita's house. In this, Timur saw him and he insisted on going to his lap. Taimur started to grow in the lap of Mom, so that his caretaker became difficult to handle them. Some photographs of Timur have surfaced, in which they seem to be insisting on getting away from the caretaker's lap. On this occasion Kareena appeared in gray color's formal gown
Kareena Kapoor last seen in the film 'Flying Punjab' in 2016. After this, he took a break from the films. In this break he supervised his son Timur. She is doing less than Shashank Ghosh's movie 'Veer The Wedding'. The movie is currently under the shoot. This movie will be released this year.
Kareena Kapoor last seen in the film 'Flying Punjab' in 2016. After this, he took a break from the films. In this break he supervised his son Timur. She is doing less than Shashank Ghosh's movie 'Veer The Wedding'. The movie is currently under the shoot. This movie will be released this year.
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