A video of Aishwarya Rai is getting viral in the media, in which she is seen with her mother-in-law Jaya Bachchan. In the video, you can see that Aishwarya leaves Jaya only to the car. Rather they also hug them off. This projection of both of them in the video pauses the news, which has long been said about Jaya and Aishwarya.
The video is about the actress Shammy Aunt's prayer during the past.
- Aishwarya and Jaya went to attend this prayer meeting at the ISKCON temple. While leaving, Aishwarya left Jaya to his car. Aishwarya and Jaya got throat After this Jaya got off in his car and left.
- Let's say that 87-year-old Shammi Aunti died in Mumbai on March 6, 2018. His prayer meeting was kept on March 8.
The video is about the actress Shammy Aunt's prayer during the past.
- Aishwarya and Jaya went to attend this prayer meeting at the ISKCON temple. While leaving, Aishwarya left Jaya to his car. Aishwarya and Jaya got throat After this Jaya got off in his car and left.
- Let's say that 87-year-old Shammi Aunti died in Mumbai on March 6, 2018. His prayer meeting was kept on March 8.
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