Shreedevi's bone was immersed in husband's house by Rani Barme on Saturday. During this period, both of his daughters Jahnavi and Happiness were also together. To pay homage to Sridevi, T. Subbarami Reddy held a meeting in Hyderabad on Sunday. From there, many of South's Celebs arrived from Chiranjeevi's daughter-in-law to Nagarjuna's Wife.
In addition to Jaya Prada in the tribunal meeting, comedian Ali Basha also arrived. Let me tell you that Sridevi died on February 24 in a Dubai hotel.
- The reason behind the death of Sridevi was being told as a cardiac arrest. But according to forensic reports later, due to his drowning in extraordinary drowning.
- His body was brought to Mumbai on 27th February and on February 28, the funeral was done with state honor.
In addition to Jaya Prada in the tribunal meeting, comedian Ali Basha also arrived. Let me tell you that Sridevi died on February 24 in a Dubai hotel.
- The reason behind the death of Sridevi was being told as a cardiac arrest. But according to forensic reports later, due to his drowning in extraordinary drowning.
- His body was brought to Mumbai on 27th February and on February 28, the funeral was done with state honor.
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