Hema Malini, who arrived for the last glimpse of the superstar Sridevi, has said a passionate word. Hema said that Sridevi was wearing a beautiful red sari, she was absolutely silent. Sridevi, whose fans are in shock since the sudden death on Saturday. In his last visit, he appeared as a bride. Before that he also appeared wrapped in a tricolor. Tell you that Sridevi was decorated like Suhagan during the last visit. They were dressed in a red-colored banarasi sari. After seeing this form, Hema Malini, who works with her friend and several films, tweeted.
Hema Malini wrote after the last meeting of her friend Sridevi, "Her aura was such that the people of the whole film industry were extremely unhappy and some were going to break through with sadness. She was lying in a red sari and had a sense of peace on her face.
Hema Malini wrote after the last meeting of her friend Sridevi, "Her aura was such that the people of the whole film industry were extremely unhappy and some were going to break through with sadness. She was lying in a red sari and had a sense of peace on her face.
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