Bollywood actress Sridevi's Prayer Meet is being held on March 11 in Chennai. For which, his family has left, there is hope for many Bollywood stars including South. Meanwhile, Sridevi's Uncle Venugopal Reddy has shocked the revealing. They say that Sridevi was in a lot of pain. He was just happy in front of the world but was very sad from inside.
According to the report printed in DNA, Reddy told an interview with a Telugu News channel, "There was a lot of pain in Sridevi's life, of course he used to smile in front of everyone, but he was very much in trouble."
- Reddy also claimed that Sridevi had gone through this world with a lot of pain inside her. In fact, her husband Bonnie Kapoor's immense amount of money was immersed because of not walking to many films.
- To compensate for this loss, Boney Kapoor had sold many properties of Sridevi. His financial position was not good due to the sale of the property and he was very upset.
Buckul Reddy, "The financial condition of Sridevi's family was not good, after going to such a pain, he could not get peace even after death."
According to the report printed in DNA, Reddy told an interview with a Telugu News channel, "There was a lot of pain in Sridevi's life, of course he used to smile in front of everyone, but he was very much in trouble."
- Reddy also claimed that Sridevi had gone through this world with a lot of pain inside her. In fact, her husband Bonnie Kapoor's immense amount of money was immersed because of not walking to many films.
- To compensate for this loss, Boney Kapoor had sold many properties of Sridevi. His financial position was not good due to the sale of the property and he was very upset.
Buckul Reddy, "The financial condition of Sridevi's family was not good, after going to such a pain, he could not get peace even after death."
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