On Wednesday, in Suratana, the trader Vijay Vaghasia, who committed suicide by jumping from the 12th floor of the building with his wife to wife, committed suicide, making an eight-fold increase in four years. He was running two schemes for the last three years. He was tempted to pay Rs. 40 lakh for four times in four years, Rs. 1.28 lakh four times in four years, and Rs. 1.28 lakhs once for another under the second scheme, four years later, 10 lakh rupees. 10-10 people had invested in both schemes. In those who invested, only the people who knew the identity of Vijay were more. Only a few months later, under these schemes, investors would have to pay more than Rs. 5 crores. Perhaps this was the case of tension in Vijay. However, the police have not said anything so far about this.
Dharmesh told the police that Vijay had borrowed interest from many people and also loaned interest to many people.
Dharmesh told the police that Vijay had borrowed interest from many people and also loaned interest to many people.
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