Vijay Mallya, who ran London after digging around Rs 9000 crores of Indian banks, is once again in the spotlight. This time, due to their financial irregularity or not, it is something else. The news is that they are going to marry again once. This will be their third marriage. In the next slides, know who is the girl with whom the news of marriage is spread in the media.
According to media sources, Mallya is going to marry a girl who was away with her in the country in 2016. However, the official confirmation of their marriage has not been confirmed. However, according to media reports, the girl is none other than Pinky Lalwani. This is Pinki Lalwani, who is standing in every good and bad round with Mallya.
During the hearing of the case running in London on Mallya, Pinky was sitting with them. Pinki Lalwani was associated with Kingfisher Airlines as an airhostess. He was later seen in several photoshoots made for Kingfisher Calendar. The news is that even in many South films, Pinky's money was invested.
According to media sources, Mallya is going to marry a girl who was away with her in the country in 2016. However, the official confirmation of their marriage has not been confirmed. However, according to media reports, the girl is none other than Pinky Lalwani. This is Pinki Lalwani, who is standing in every good and bad round with Mallya.
During the hearing of the case running in London on Mallya, Pinky was sitting with them. Pinki Lalwani was associated with Kingfisher Airlines as an airhostess. He was later seen in several photoshoots made for Kingfisher Calendar. The news is that even in many South films, Pinky's money was invested.
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