Last night, Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani had arranged an engagement party of their son Akash. Akash had just engaged in Shloka Mehta in Goa a few days ago. The Bollywood stars were involved in the party. The most discussed topic was Aishwarya Rai and her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan.
This party was held in the Ambani family home in Antillia. Aishwarya had reached the party with her 6 year old daughter Aaradhya from the Bachchan family. Some people also called Aishwarya bad-good about this. People said that when Aaradhya was schooling the next day, why did Aishwarya take them to this party?
According to the port, Nita Ambani had given personal invitation to Aradha to come to the party. Nita had specifically told Aishwarya that she would definitely come in the party with Aaradhya. Special arrangements were made for the children in the party. Everyone had to come into the Pink Dress Code.
This party was held in the Ambani family home in Antillia. Aishwarya had reached the party with her 6 year old daughter Aaradhya from the Bachchan family. Some people also called Aishwarya bad-good about this. People said that when Aaradhya was schooling the next day, why did Aishwarya take them to this party?
According to the port, Nita Ambani had given personal invitation to Aradha to come to the party. Nita had specifically told Aishwarya that she would definitely come in the party with Aaradhya. Special arrangements were made for the children in the party. Everyone had to come into the Pink Dress Code.
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