According to a report, this case is being told in Mahoba district of Uttar Pradesh. Jagdish Ahirwar, living in Indrabaha area here, had decided to marry his daughter Dharmendra Ahirwar, who lived in Alampura village of Tikamgarh, but the girl's side says that they have been cheated. Before marriage, he was shown another boy, while at the time of marriage, someone else came to be groom.
Actually, the girl did not see the boy before the wedding, but the boy had shown the girl's photo to the girl when she was planning a marriage.
Because of this, the girl had to recognize the face of the boy too. After reaching the girl's house procession, the vaccine ceremony was first performed. After that the groom and the bride were taken to the stage for the warmala.
The boy jumped the girl, but as soon as the girl raised her head to make the boy jump, she was amazed, after which the girl refused to put the boy in front of everyone and said that she is not married. Can do This story of the girl got frozen there
Actually, the girl did not see the boy before the wedding, but the boy had shown the girl's photo to the girl when she was planning a marriage.
Because of this, the girl had to recognize the face of the boy too. After reaching the girl's house procession, the vaccine ceremony was first performed. After that the groom and the bride were taken to the stage for the warmala.
The boy jumped the girl, but as soon as the girl raised her head to make the boy jump, she was amazed, after which the girl refused to put the boy in front of everyone and said that she is not married. Can do This story of the girl got frozen there
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