Recently, some photos of Kareena Kapoor and Karisma Kapoor have appeared on social media in which they appear to be paired with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. In fact, Kapoor Sisters reached the seminar on 'The Kapoor Klan: Film, Family, Famine' on the second day of a media channel Conclave. Whereas both of them saw photos with Hillary.
In the event where Karisma looked very beautiful in the black dress, Kareena looked in a simple look in White Formal Dress.
- In the event, Karisma talking about Napotomism, said that stardom comes from Talent entirely. At the same time, when Starkids Silver comes on the screen, he has a lot of responsibility for his family's respect.
At the same time, Kareena said that it is a male dominated industry which has been running for generations. But now slowly it is changing.
In the event where Karisma looked very beautiful in the black dress, Kareena looked in a simple look in White Formal Dress.
- In the event, Karisma talking about Napotomism, said that stardom comes from Talent entirely. At the same time, when Starkids Silver comes on the screen, he has a lot of responsibility for his family's respect.
At the same time, Kareena said that it is a male dominated industry which has been running for generations. But now slowly it is changing.
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