Tell Sridevi and Husband Bonnie Kapoor who came to Agra to campaign for Amar Singh during the Lok Sabha elections held in 2014. At the same time, he met Bablu Bania. Maninder Gupta alias Babloo Bania, who ran a sari shop in Agra, has said that "Sridevi had come for a political rally. He was quite tired till he reached the town of Iudhat town. During the rally there were no special arrangements for their relax.
In this way he was freshened at our house. "Bablu has said that" I remember well 5th of April was the date. Along with election rally, both of them were searching for a movie of their son Arjun Kapoor. "Bablu, who sold saris, said," There was a lot of heat in the city. She had come home with her husband Bonnie Kapoor to rest for a while. After the toilet was taken, they were invited to a 5-star hotel.
At the same time my wife was cooking. Potato was becoming a tomato in the vegetable. After smelling the fragrance of food, he left the food he had come from the hotel. He ate the house made of vegetables and parathas. Our relationship with them was very sweet. After hearing the news of his demise, our whole family was surprised, he was a very happy woman.
In this way he was freshened at our house. "Bablu has said that" I remember well 5th of April was the date. Along with election rally, both of them were searching for a movie of their son Arjun Kapoor. "Bablu, who sold saris, said," There was a lot of heat in the city. She had come home with her husband Bonnie Kapoor to rest for a while. After the toilet was taken, they were invited to a 5-star hotel.
At the same time my wife was cooking. Potato was becoming a tomato in the vegetable. After smelling the fragrance of food, he left the food he had come from the hotel. He ate the house made of vegetables and parathas. Our relationship with them was very sweet. After hearing the news of his demise, our whole family was surprised, he was a very happy woman.
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