Actor Bijay Anand's look has been completely changed in Kajol's fiancée Rahul's role in Pyaaroon Hai (1998). It is also very difficult to recognize them even. Bijay is now more of an actor and Kundalini Yoga Guru. Bijay has recently shared some photos on social media, in which they are not being identified. After telling that 'Pyaar Ho Hai Hai' ', Bijay had taken retirement from acting. But in 2015, he appeared in Raja Janak's role in TV serial 'Siya Ke Ram'. He spent 17 years in the middle of learning Kundalini yoga and then teaching it to others.
Bijay had told during an interview that he had to struggle harder to make films. But when 'Pyaar Too Hoon Hai' proved to be hit, they got 22 films together.
However, by then the minds of the business were made to leave the industry. As Bijoya says, "I have seen poverty and struggle and I always wanted to be an actor. But later I realized that they all have no meaning."
Bijay had told during an interview that he had to struggle harder to make films. But when 'Pyaar Too Hoon Hai' proved to be hit, they got 22 films together.
However, by then the minds of the business were made to leave the industry. As Bijoya says, "I have seen poverty and struggle and I always wanted to be an actor. But later I realized that they all have no meaning."
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