Famous comedian Siddhartha Sagar is missing from the last four months (December 2017), in the name of selfie aunt. One of his friends in the conversation expressed doubts that he was kidnapped by his mother only. Friends, Siddharth's relationship with mother is not good. His mother is very dominating. Whatever Siddhartha earned, his mother took over. Even they beat Siddhartha
Siddharth's friend said, "A few months ago, his mother had hit him on the leg. That evening he told me that if something happens to him or he suddenly disappears, then his mother should be held responsible for this. "
- "Siddharth had filed a NC file against his mother and his hard copy was with him, his mother took away the drawer of that NC hotel.
- Siddharth's driver told his / her friend that when he was in Dubai, his mother kidnapped him and he was not allowing them to talk to anyone.
Siddharth's friend said, "A few months ago, his mother had hit him on the leg. That evening he told me that if something happens to him or he suddenly disappears, then his mother should be held responsible for this. "
- "Siddharth had filed a NC file against his mother and his hard copy was with him, his mother took away the drawer of that NC hotel.
- Siddharth's driver told his / her friend that when he was in Dubai, his mother kidnapped him and he was not allowing them to talk to anyone.
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