Some photos of Sridevi are getting viral in the media. In many places these are being told the photos of their last Holi. However, the truth behind this photo is something else. These photos of Sridevi have not played Holi celebration but have played vermilion, which is a tradition of West Bengal. According to this tradition, Suhagan women dyed each other with vermilion during Durga Puja
Sridevi was born in South India and was married to a Punjabi person living in North India. In such a situation, the question arises that what is the connection between Sridevi playing vermilion?
In fact, Sridevi always did not follow this tradition. The photos that came in the media, they played their first and last vermilion.
In October 2013, Sridevi went to join Durga Puja in Sahara city of Lucknow. Husband Bonnie Kapoor was also with him. Sridevi wore traditional saris during this time, but in Durga Pandal they played vermilion with other honey.
- Sridevi even cleared that time that it played the first vermillion of his life.
- Sridevi played the sindoor during his play while he also wrote the name of Boney Kapoor on his back.
Sridevi was born in South India and was married to a Punjabi person living in North India. In such a situation, the question arises that what is the connection between Sridevi playing vermilion?
In fact, Sridevi always did not follow this tradition. The photos that came in the media, they played their first and last vermilion.
In October 2013, Sridevi went to join Durga Puja in Sahara city of Lucknow. Husband Bonnie Kapoor was also with him. Sridevi wore traditional saris during this time, but in Durga Pandal they played vermilion with other honey.
- Sridevi even cleared that time that it played the first vermillion of his life.
- Sridevi played the sindoor during his play while he also wrote the name of Boney Kapoor on his back.
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