Bollywood legend Sridevi is no longer among us On Wednesday (February 28) merged with the five element. His family is in shock with his death, especially his two daughters (Happiness and Jahnavi Kapoor) and his husband Boney Kapoor. Sridevi's sudden leaving the world has broken her two daughters.
Both of them just watched their mother to tear their eyes. They were trying to accept that their mother has gone away from them for ever. Being the first daughter, Jahnavi Kapoor received the most love of her parents. At every event, Sridevi went with Jahnavi. Jahnavi is very quick to debut in Bollywood with Karan Johar's 'Dhadk'.
Both of them just watched their mother to tear their eyes. They were trying to accept that their mother has gone away from them for ever. Being the first daughter, Jahnavi Kapoor received the most love of her parents. At every event, Sridevi went with Jahnavi. Jahnavi is very quick to debut in Bollywood with Karan Johar's 'Dhadk'.
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