Akash Ambani, son of Mukesh Ambani, the country's richest businessman, recently pre-engaged in Shloka Mehta in Goa. Shloka is the younger daughter of diamond businessman Russell Mehta. In the engagement, Nita Ambani appeared in Off White Ethnic Dress, while Mukesh Ambani was seen in the half-sleeves check shirt. Well, as Mukesh Ambani, who is famous in the business world, Wife Neeta remains as active in Social Life. Not only that, Nita has won a lot of luxury life.
According to the report of the Fashion Lady website, Nita Ambani owns 40 lakh sari. This sari is designed by Shivalingam, Director, Chennai Silk.
- The specialty of this sari is that its name is 'Marriage Patu', inspired by the patent of India's renowned Art Icon King Ravi Verma.
- Gold wires were used for sari's embroidery. Apart from this, gems like Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Pearl and Cat Eye have also been used.
According to the report of the Fashion Lady website, Nita Ambani owns 40 lakh sari. This sari is designed by Shivalingam, Director, Chennai Silk.
- The specialty of this sari is that its name is 'Marriage Patu', inspired by the patent of India's renowned Art Icon King Ravi Verma.
- Gold wires were used for sari's embroidery. Apart from this, gems like Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Pearl and Cat Eye have also been used.
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