The four-year-old Roshan is trapped in the field bore at Umaria village near Khaggaon, 27.30 am in the morning. To take the child out, a 40-feet deep pothole is being dug at 60 feet width, six feet away from the bore. For this, three Pokleen and three JCB have been installed. The Disaster Management Team and the Army are also engaged in rescue operations. On the other side, 27 feet from the ground surface, he is crying repeatedly crying in boring, Papa, get me out ...! From 11.30 in the morning since he has fallen, there is not a grain of grain in his stomach
Tried to send glucose water and milk by sending small pipes, but no one knows how successful it was. Roshan's father has not left the scene for the moment since the incident. They are sitting on the oxygen tube from the morning and sitting there, and then reach the nearest photo of the son in the camera. As soon as the son comes crying, he kneels in the hole and says, 'Son, do not cry.' O son, do not cry
Tried to send glucose water and milk by sending small pipes, but no one knows how successful it was. Roshan's father has not left the scene for the moment since the incident. They are sitting on the oxygen tube from the morning and sitting there, and then reach the nearest photo of the son in the camera. As soon as the son comes crying, he kneels in the hole and says, 'Son, do not cry.' O son, do not cry
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