Veteran Kannada Actress Jayanti has recently been admitted to the hospital. If the report is considered, then its condition is very bad and due to the breeding problem, it has been hospitalized in a serious condition.
- Jayanti is going through asthma for 35 years. Because of which he used to take an inhaler every day and was never admitted in hospital.
- This week, his health started getting worse and due to the condition of condition, he was admited to Sidwin Hospital.
- Doctor believes his health is very bad, he has been shifted to Vikram Hospital. Right now, he is on the ventilator.
- His son is in this condition who is looking after him
- Jayanti is going through asthma for 35 years. Because of which he used to take an inhaler every day and was never admitted in hospital.
- This week, his health started getting worse and due to the condition of condition, he was admited to Sidwin Hospital.
- Doctor believes his health is very bad, he has been shifted to Vikram Hospital. Right now, he is on the ventilator.
- His son is in this condition who is looking after him
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