Businessman Mukesh Ambani and, of Nita Ambani's son, Akash Ambani, was married to Shloka Mehta, daughter of diamond trader Russell Mehta. Recently, Akash-Shloka's engagement took place in Goa. However, this function was only for family members and, close friends. Now a grand engagement function will be organized in Mumbai. Explain that, where another Neeta is Famous for her social work, at the same time, she is also in the discussion about her looks. In the last 32 years, there has been a lot of change in Nita's look.
In 1985, Nita Ambani was married to Mukesh Ambani. At this time Neeta was 21 years old. At the time of marriage, she was quite slim-trim, but later she increased her weight to almost 90 kg. However, they later reduced their weight. Now they weigh about 57 kg. He has shared many of his rear photos on Instagram.
In 1985, Nita Ambani was married to Mukesh Ambani. At this time Neeta was 21 years old. At the time of marriage, she was quite slim-trim, but later she increased her weight to almost 90 kg. However, they later reduced their weight. Now they weigh about 57 kg. He has shared many of his rear photos on Instagram.
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