Bollywood Perfectionist Amir Khan has been 53 years old. Born on March 14, 1965, Aamir married two. Well, one glimpse of Aamir's first wife Reena was seen in his film 'Kaamat Se Qayamat Tak' (1988). However there is a great difference between then and now in Rina. Reena's weight has increased a lot now. Some of his photos have surfaced some time ago, in which he looks very thick
After the release of the film 'Aayamat Kiamat Tak', it was revealed that Aamir Khan is married. He married Reena, two years before the film was released, i.e. 1986. Juhi Chawla was the lead actress with Aamir in the film 'Doom to Qayamat Tak'. It was Aamir's first superhit film.
After the release of the film 'Aayamat Kiamat Tak', it was revealed that Aamir Khan is married. He married Reena, two years before the film was released, i.e. 1986. Juhi Chawla was the lead actress with Aamir in the film 'Doom to Qayamat Tak'. It was Aamir's first superhit film.
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