Bollywood actress Sridevi is attending the funeral of a large number of Bollywood celebs reaching Anil Kapoor's house. However, till date, Sridevi's Dad Body has not reached Mumbai. It is expected that on Tuesday, his body can be brought to Mumbai from Dubai. Shahrukh Khan, Gauri Khan, Rajinikanth, Karishma Kapoor, Ishaan Khattar, Deepika Padukone, Ranvir Singh, Shabana Azmi, Javed Akhtar, Mukesh Ambani's son, Anant Ambani, Kamal Haasan and others to pay tribute to Sridevi at Anil Kapoor's house.
Sree Devi's body is now expected to be brought to Mumbai on Tuesday. Forensic report revealed on Monday that his death was not due to cardiac arrest, but drowning in bathtub. After this, now the police hand over the case to the public prosecution. The body will be sent to India only after their permissions. On the other hand, it is also being reported that Boney Kapoor was present in the hotel room during Sridevi's death. In case they have also questioned the police
Sree Devi's body is now expected to be brought to Mumbai on Tuesday. Forensic report revealed on Monday that his death was not due to cardiac arrest, but drowning in bathtub. After this, now the police hand over the case to the public prosecution. The body will be sent to India only after their permissions. On the other hand, it is also being reported that Boney Kapoor was present in the hotel room during Sridevi's death. In case they have also questioned the police
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