Akshay Kumar, Sonam Kapoor and Radhika Apte starrer 'Padman' are being released on February 9. The issue has raised the issue of lack of awareness about sanitary pickpocket in the film. Meanwhile, Akshay's wife and actress Twinkle Khanna has taken a new way to promote the film. He has recently started a 'Padman Challenge'. In this case, the star who nominates the name of any other person will have to post a photo on a photo social media account with Sanitary Napkin
Your three friends will have to be nominated in the Pedman Challenge.
- Aamir Khan on Friday unearthed the 'Padman Challenge' and posted a photo of the sanitary pad on social media.
He also tweeted, "Thank you Twinkle Khanna, yes, there is a pad in my hand and there is no embarrassment in it, it is natural period, # 'Pad Man' Challenge".
Your three friends will have to be nominated in the Pedman Challenge.
- Aamir Khan on Friday unearthed the 'Padman Challenge' and posted a photo of the sanitary pad on social media.
He also tweeted, "Thank you Twinkle Khanna, yes, there is a pad in my hand and there is no embarrassment in it, it is natural period, # 'Pad Man' Challenge".
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