For the last glimpse of actress Sridevi, her fans and all waits for close friendship with Mumbai in Mumbai. It is said that till afternoon, his body could be brought from Dubai to Mumbai. For this, Anil Ambani has sent his private jet to Dubai. Preparations are being made for the final trip to their bungalow in Versova, Mumbai. The funeral will be done in Muktidham of Juhu. Tell him that he died on Saturday night in Cardiff, Dubai. According to his last wish, everything used for the farewell will be white.
All preparations have been completed for the last farewell in Sridevi (real name of Mr. Amma Younger Ayyappan) in Mumbai.
- Sridevi loved white color very much. She used to say to her family members and neighbors that everything in my last time was white. That is why, everything used in his last journey is kept white. The curtains of the house have been white. Flowers are also white-colored.
All preparations have been completed for the last farewell in Sridevi (real name of Mr. Amma Younger Ayyappan) in Mumbai.
- Sridevi loved white color very much. She used to say to her family members and neighbors that everything in my last time was white. That is why, everything used in his last journey is kept white. The curtains of the house have been white. Flowers are also white-colored.
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