Sridevi died at the age of 54. About 72 hours later, his dad body is expected to reach Mumbai. According to the reports, the Dubai Police has closed the case related to Sridevi's death. His body will be kept in 'Bhagya Bangala' for the last glimpse of Mumbai. This is the old bungalow of Sridevi. Preparations for the last visit to the bungalow have started
Sridevi loved white color very much. She used to say to her family members and neighbors that everything was white in my last time. This is the reason why everything used in their last journey is kept white. Therefore, their entire bungalow is covered with white cloth. A large number of chairs have been procured. Decorating with white flowers is being done. The police is stationed around the bungalow. Sridevi's fans are present in large numbers outside their bungalow.
Sridevi loved white color very much. She used to say to her family members and neighbors that everything was white in my last time. This is the reason why everything used in their last journey is kept white. Therefore, their entire bungalow is covered with white cloth. A large number of chairs have been procured. Decorating with white flowers is being done. The police is stationed around the bungalow. Sridevi's fans are present in large numbers outside their bungalow.
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