Cricketer Manjor Dar, who had a connection with Jammu and Kashmir in the recent auction for the new season of IPL (Indian Premier League), also got an entry. The Kings XI Punjab team bought them for 20 lakh rupees. The special thing is that they are such other cricketers coming from Kashmir who will get an opportunity to play in the IPL. After selling them in the auction, people celebrated very much outside their homes and started a series of greetings from across the country.
The hard-hitting batsman, who got sold on the second day of the IPL 2018 auction, is also known as Pandav. They have emerged as a new ray of hope in Kashmir battling terrorism.
- Approximate 6.2 feet height is known for long-hauling sixfold. Among those who congratulated them, Team India's former cricketer Mohammad Kaif's name is also included. He shared a video on his twitter account, which is celebrated outside his home.
The hard-hitting batsman, who got sold on the second day of the IPL 2018 auction, is also known as Pandav. They have emerged as a new ray of hope in Kashmir battling terrorism.
- Approximate 6.2 feet height is known for long-hauling sixfold. Among those who congratulated them, Team India's former cricketer Mohammad Kaif's name is also included. He shared a video on his twitter account, which is celebrated outside his home.
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