Team India, under the captaincy of its current captain Virat Kohli, has been performing well on three formats of the match and has occupied almost all the series. Captain Kohli has become so experienced captain and player that he is following the bigger record In that case, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who is considered to be the most successful captain of India, is also flown out of that record. Be left behind, he recently to break the record set in the last Test win Dhoni South Africa will also have their names
According to the current news, Virat Kohli made a sensation by saying in a press conference that former captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni should now retire from cricket. His statement spread the sensation in the cricket world, although he made this statement to strengthen the team India. He also said that if he takes retirement, then many young players will get a chance to play in the team and for the coming World Cup That will be ready strong team
According to the current news, Virat Kohli made a sensation by saying in a press conference that former captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni should now retire from cricket. His statement spread the sensation in the cricket world, although he made this statement to strengthen the team India. He also said that if he takes retirement, then many young players will get a chance to play in the team and for the coming World Cup That will be ready strong team
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