The body of Goddess Sridevi was brought to Mumbai from Dubai on Tuesday night. After this, the body was taken directly from the airport to Green Acres at his house located in Lokhandwala. During this time there was a crowd of fans outside their house. The police had to make a lot of efforts to handle the people. Sridevi's funeral will be done at 3:30 pm today. Earlier, the Dubai Police had told the Indian Consulate and his family to close the case after handing over the clearance letter on Tuesday afternoon. In forensic reports it was revealed on Monday that Sridevi was not killed by the cardiac arrest but rather drowning in the bathtub.
The body of Sridevi was taken from Anil Ambani's Chartered Plane on Tuesday night at 9.30 pm to Mumbai Airport. There were 11 people including Boney Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor in the plane. Let Arjun Kapoor go to Dubai on Tuesday morning. Many close people, including Anil Kapoor and Anil Ambani, were seen at the airport.
The body of Sridevi was taken from Anil Ambani's Chartered Plane on Tuesday night at 9.30 pm to Mumbai Airport. There were 11 people including Boney Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor in the plane. Let Arjun Kapoor go to Dubai on Tuesday morning. Many close people, including Anil Kapoor and Anil Ambani, were seen at the airport.
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