The robbery bride thundered Rs 7 lakh from a textile businessman from Bangalore. The gang married 20 thousand bride, 10 thousand relatives, and 1-1 thousand rupees in marriage to get married to the son of businessman. Two months later the bride ran away with jewelry and cash The businessman's father came to brain stroke and he became a victim of paralysis. When the businessman complained to the DIG, he asked for the action by lodging a case to the erodrome police.
DIG Harinarayankar Mishra told that Bangalore's businessman, Uttam Gandhi, told that a few months ago, the father asked for the marriage of Babulal Jain (Chauradia), who runs the marriage bureau in Indore for marriage, to show the girl of Jain family.
- He gave information about Indore's girl named Lakshmi and told her father Ramesh and mother Sumitra to introduce two people. It is also said that the familiar Pradeep Jain is a girl with a haircut.
DIG Harinarayankar Mishra told that Bangalore's businessman, Uttam Gandhi, told that a few months ago, the father asked for the marriage of Babulal Jain (Chauradia), who runs the marriage bureau in Indore for marriage, to show the girl of Jain family.
- He gave information about Indore's girl named Lakshmi and told her father Ramesh and mother Sumitra to introduce two people. It is also said that the familiar Pradeep Jain is a girl with a haircut.
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