A letter written by her daughter Jahnavi Kapoor for Sridevi is getting viral on social media. A few years ago Jahnavi wrote this letter, which was shared on Tuesday by the Instagram account named Tanmay Chaitanya. Tanmay wrote with Letter, "Femina had asked Sridevi's daughter to write a letter to her mother some years ago, and her message was written for Mother.
Jahnavi wrote in the letter, "I grew up listening to your schedule and seeing dedication, sensitivity and dedication to get anything, I wish I was present to see it all at that time. You have made me a strong child and I love you the most in the world, your daughter Jahnavi. "
Jahnavi wrote in the letter, "I grew up listening to your schedule and seeing dedication, sensitivity and dedication to get anything, I wish I was present to see it all at that time. You have made me a strong child and I love you the most in the world, your daughter Jahnavi. "
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