In the district on Tuesday, an embarrassing incident has emerged. A woman was shouting openly on a road like a beast tied in a rope. The victim was trying to get rid of the rope repeatedly, but the woman was taking her by dragging her. At the same time, the police also remained mute spectator seeing. Now these videos are becoming viral
The incident is near the Petlabhisi Police Chowki of the Kathar Thana area of Moradabad. It is clear in the video that the woman is taking the woman with a rope and dragging her in front of the police. Not only this, the police continued to look after the girl's protest and remained a mute spectator. On the other hand, when the police was questioned in this case, they refused to say anything.
When asked about this, they told that this girl is a ghost on the girl and she is taking it for treatment. The family of the girl says that this day starts to beat anyone. The woman who dragged the girl told her to be her niece
The incident is near the Petlabhisi Police Chowki of the Kathar Thana area of Moradabad. It is clear in the video that the woman is taking the woman with a rope and dragging her in front of the police. Not only this, the police continued to look after the girl's protest and remained a mute spectator. On the other hand, when the police was questioned in this case, they refused to say anything.
When asked about this, they told that this girl is a ghost on the girl and she is taking it for treatment. The family of the girl says that this day starts to beat anyone. The woman who dragged the girl told her to be her niece
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