The film, released in 2015, 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' broke the box office records. As much as Salman Khan liked the movie, Harshali Malhotra i.e. Munni's character was also liked. And after that Munni's Onscreen Mother's role was appreciated, which was played by Actress Mehr Vij. The so-called sippal and non-glamorous look on the screen are very hot in real life
Mehr Vij has also appeared in Aamir Khan's 'Secret Superstar' after 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan'. In this film, he also played the role of Jaira Wasim's mother.
- 31-year-old Mehar has also appeared in many Bollywood films besides these films. Apart from being seen in films such as Lucky, Dil Vil Pyar Vyayar, they have also appeared in 'Kis Des Mein Hain Mere Dil' and 'Ram Milee Jodi'.
- In 2009, this actor was settled with Marav Vij
Mehr Vij has also appeared in Aamir Khan's 'Secret Superstar' after 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan'. In this film, he also played the role of Jaira Wasim's mother.
- 31-year-old Mehar has also appeared in many Bollywood films besides these films. Apart from being seen in films such as Lucky, Dil Vil Pyar Vyayar, they have also appeared in 'Kis Des Mein Hain Mere Dil' and 'Ram Milee Jodi'.
- In 2009, this actor was settled with Marav Vij
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