कहीं लगा धरती पर उतर आया चांद, कई देशों में था ऐसा नजारा

On Wednesday, the eyes of millions of people remained on the sky for the first time to see the lunar eclipse. This amazing sight was seen around the world. These views are seen differently in many countries. Whenever Bludomoon looked scary, somewhere supermon was so big as if it had landed on earth. Today we are showing you how in 20 countries of the world have seen Bloodmoon, Supermon and Bloom.

 In India, this sight began to look a little late. But, as soon as the entire lunar eclipse began to appear. Millions of people were witnesses of the incident. Let us know that after 35 years, such a coincidence is happening in India when Blue Moon, Blood Moon and Super Moon are seen together. This is the complete lunar eclipse, that is, during this time the moon is completely covered by the shadow of the Earth for some time. The moon also appeared 30% more bright and 14% larger.
