There is a big news from Bollywood that Ranveer Singh, who has made his acting debut with Padmavat, has been a victim of a car accident and it is a relief for his fans. That Ranveer Singh has been absolutely clear in an Accident. And they have not received much serious injuries, though Ranveer's girlfriends and Padmavat for his accident, his co-star Deepika Padukone has given Ranveer's driver responsible for the incident and given him big punishment.
According to the report, this incident happened when actor Ranvir Singh was recently leaving his car. And then the driver of the car rammed into the wall in front of the unruly, along with a second vehicle running behind Ranveer's car and also collided with his car, Ranvir's car got badly damaged, however, Ranveer Singh has not suffered any serious injuries in the accident. And he has survived safely
According to the report, this incident happened when actor Ranvir Singh was recently leaving his car. And then the driver of the car rammed into the wall in front of the unruly, along with a second vehicle running behind Ranveer's car and also collided with his car, Ranvir's car got badly damaged, however, Ranveer Singh has not suffered any serious injuries in the accident. And he has survived safely
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