Actress Anushka Sharma will not be able to celebrate with her first Valentine's Day housband cricketer Virat Kohli after marriage. The biggest reason for this is that Anushka is going to start shooting of her upcoming movie 'Sui-Thaaga' on Valentine's Day. And on this day, they will celebrate Viraat but not with the film's hero Varun Dhawan. Let us know that Anushka-Virat married in a secret manner in December. However, both of them gave their wedding receptions in Delhi and Mumbai two places
Anushka Sharma is learning to embroider these days for her upcoming movie "Needle-thread". For this, he has started taking workshop too. Recently a photo of him appeared in which he was seen doing the embroidery. Apart from this, another photo related to the film was also revealed, in which she was seen in a simple cotton sari of blue color without a make-up. These photos have become very viral on social media
Anushka Sharma is learning to embroider these days for her upcoming movie "Needle-thread". For this, he has started taking workshop too. Recently a photo of him appeared in which he was seen doing the embroidery. Apart from this, another photo related to the film was also revealed, in which she was seen in a simple cotton sari of blue color without a make-up. These photos have become very viral on social media
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