All of them know that Bollywood's biggest Kapoor family has been forbidding girls and daughters to work in movies. In spite of this, Karisma and Kareena Kapoor worked in films. But Ranbir Kapoor's sister Riddhima Kapoor remained away from the screen. They are Business Woman. His jewelery and fashion designing business. There is one more thing related to Riddhima, which always remains in the discussion, that is that she and Karishma Kapoor are not formed in the middle of each other. Both do not like to see each other
Kapoor dynasty is quite big. Some of them have good relations between themselves, while others do not like each other. According to the reports, two daughters of this family Babita and Neetu Singh did not get started from the beginning. They did not even like to talk about each other so far, they did not even like to see each other. That is why their daughters too have not been together.
Kapoor dynasty is quite big. Some of them have good relations between themselves, while others do not like each other. According to the reports, two daughters of this family Babita and Neetu Singh did not get started from the beginning. They did not even like to talk about each other so far, they did not even like to see each other. That is why their daughters too have not been together.
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