Bollywood films have an exact copy of item number actress Malaika Arora, South Indian actress Hina Panchal. Due to getting face from Malaika, Hina is called Malaika Arora of South films. Hina remains quite active on social media He has shared many of his hot and glamorous photos on his Instagram
Hina says, after getting her shape, body and style from Malaika- I am quite lucky that my look is compared to Malaika's look. Hina is also famous for having a bold photoshoot with item numbers in the films. They have also done topless photoshoots. Let us know that Hina was found in Forbes India's Top 100 celebrity in 2015.
Hina says, after getting her shape, body and style from Malaika- I am quite lucky that my look is compared to Malaika's look. Hina is also famous for having a bold photoshoot with item numbers in the films. They have also done topless photoshoots. Let us know that Hina was found in Forbes India's Top 100 celebrity in 2015.
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