Akshay Kumar's film 'Paddman' has been released in cinemas on Friday. Akshay Kumar's love story, which works in many superhit films, is also very interesting. It is said that when Twinkle's film fair was to be released, Akshay propagated Twinkle for marriage. At that time, Twinkle had the answer that if the film flops, they would get married. The film got flop and the two got married. If the film was a hit, probably today, Akshay-Twinkle is not Husband-Wife.
Dimple had also put this condition on the proposal for Akshay's marriage with Twinkle that both would have to live in the live-in for a year. If everything is fine then they will allow marriage. Mother lived with Akshay-Twinkle on Dimple's condition and got married one year later.
Dimple had also put this condition on the proposal for Akshay's marriage with Twinkle that both would have to live in the live-in for a year. If everything is fine then they will allow marriage. Mother lived with Akshay-Twinkle on Dimple's condition and got married one year later.
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