BR Shetty, a businessman of Indian origin living in Dubai, has recently announced to make a film on Mahabharata at a cost of Rs 1,000 crore. The director of the film is well known Ad Guru VA Srikumar Menon. It is believed that the shooting of the film will begin in September 2018 and its 2020, is expected to be released. Malayalam actor Mohanlal will also be part of the film.
By the way, BR Chopra's Famous Serial, 'Mahabharat' has been seen by everyone, but did you ever think that if characters like Bhishma, Duryodhana, Arjun and Shakuni, play Mahabharata characters, play Bollywood stars then who will be perfect in their role. In this package we have selected the most exacting faces in the 'Mahabharata', Bollywood version. Now you can decide how much they fit in this role.
By the way, BR Chopra's Famous Serial, 'Mahabharat' has been seen by everyone, but did you ever think that if characters like Bhishma, Duryodhana, Arjun and Shakuni, play Mahabharata characters, play Bollywood stars then who will be perfect in their role. In this package we have selected the most exacting faces in the 'Mahabharata', Bollywood version. Now you can decide how much they fit in this role.
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