एक पैसेंजर ने फ्लाइट में इतनी गैस छोड़ी कि.. आप खुद देखिये आगे क्या हुआ

There is someone in your group who plays secretly after a while. Someone is among the four friends to smell every time. And this is what I have to say - I did not. Kasam..If you know someone, he will definitely teach this news. The same case has emerged in a Dutch airline flight going to Amsterdam from Dubai. There was an emergency landing of that flight on the footpath of a person here. According to the reports, a passenger at Transvaia Airlines's HV 6902 flight overwhelmed people with excessive footprints. When he was stopped from doing this, he refused.

 Passing the gas imposed on this person, the passenger sitting near the problem started to have problems. Pansers told that the person who was struggling with the problem of gas but was not trying to control himself. After complaining to Plane's crew members several times, the man continued to leave the gas.
