Bollywood's 'Queen' Kangana Ranaut will squeeze in the form of 'Fairytale mews' in the Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) Summer / Resort 2018 edition. Shyamal said, "Kangna Runaut is a superstar, she is full of confidence with being fearless and bold," Shyamal said, designing Shyamal and Shammer of the role of 'Wonderland' line of the role. It seems natural to cooperate with them, because she is a brunette role that assumes female qualities very closely and with fearlessness.
The role said, she is standing for her rights and actually represents the modern Indian woman. Designer role tells us that she has not been appropriated to anyone else to present this new collection in Lakme Fashion Week. The designer will be exhibiting his works with a collection called 'Wonderland' on Sunday. They have described it as a 'collection of lavish colors and enthralling elements in complex embroidery'.
The role said, she is standing for her rights and actually represents the modern Indian woman. Designer role tells us that she has not been appropriated to anyone else to present this new collection in Lakme Fashion Week. The designer will be exhibiting his works with a collection called 'Wonderland' on Sunday. They have described it as a 'collection of lavish colors and enthralling elements in complex embroidery'.
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