There are two such actresses in Bollywood who have been given an example of friendship. These two friends are Kareena Kapoor and Malaika Arora. But in a recent chat show, Malaika Arora spoke about a story about Kareena, who hears that there is a crack in the friendship of both of them. Malaika recently went to the Neha Dhupia chat show with sister Amrita. Neha asked a question about Kareena from Malaika, listening to Neha's mouth open to her mouth.
Neha Dhupia asked a question related to Kareena from Malaika in the chat show. Neha asked what should Kareena do to stop. Answering the question, Malaika said that Kareena should stop spreading rumors. It is not meant to say about Malika's Kareena that there is a crack in friendship between both of them. Because both are the best friends. Well, tell you that Kareena has been called Gopis Queen before Karan Johar's chat show. Karan himself said, "If I want any information about the industry, then I immediately call Kareena. He has fresh updates about everyone '.
Neha Dhupia asked a question related to Kareena from Malaika in the chat show. Neha asked what should Kareena do to stop. Answering the question, Malaika said that Kareena should stop spreading rumors. It is not meant to say about Malika's Kareena that there is a crack in friendship between both of them. Because both are the best friends. Well, tell you that Kareena has been called Gopis Queen before Karan Johar's chat show. Karan himself said, "If I want any information about the industry, then I immediately call Kareena. He has fresh updates about everyone '.
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