Bollywood actress Sridevi dies in Dubai on Saturday night due to a heart attack. The 54-year-old Sridevi husband, along with Bonnie Kapoor and the younger daughter Happi, had gone there to participate in the wedding of Mohite Marwah. It is said that by the evening their bodies can be brought to Mumbai from Dubai. Preparations are being made for his funeral in Mumbai's fate bungalow.
The funeral will be done in Pavanhans Muktidham, located at Vile Parle, Mumbai. Tell him that according to his last wish, everything used for the farewell will be of white color.
- Sridevi loved white color very much. She used to say to her family members and neighbors that everything was white in my last time. This is the reason why everything used in their last journey is kept white. The curtains of the house have been white. Flowers are also white-colored.
The funeral will be done in Pavanhans Muktidham, located at Vile Parle, Mumbai. Tell him that according to his last wish, everything used for the farewell will be of white color.
- Sridevi loved white color very much. She used to say to her family members and neighbors that everything was white in my last time. This is the reason why everything used in their last journey is kept white. The curtains of the house have been white. Flowers are also white-colored.
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