Today, where Valentines Day is being believed around the world, there was also a beautiful pair of Bollywood couple Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Tell that both of them were seen in Australia with their daughter Aradha on a pizza date
Recently, Abhishek Bachchan, who celebrated his 42nd birthday, moved to Australia with his wife, Aishwarya and daughter Aradha, in Valentine's Day, during the month of Pyaar, where he was seen in a local Pizza Haat shop. Both of them have enjoyed the pizzas date on one side of their stardom.
Recently, Abhishek Bachchan, who celebrated his 42nd birthday, moved to Australia with his wife, Aishwarya and daughter Aradha, in Valentine's Day, during the month of Pyaar, where he was seen in a local Pizza Haat shop. Both of them have enjoyed the pizzas date on one side of their stardom.
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