A video has appeared in Bhagalpur in Bihar. It is being told that a boy has been bitten by cobra. After this he was not taken to the doctor and taken to the Tantric. Here the Tantric said that he can save his life again by cutting the same snake. After the cut again, the condition of the boy became worse. Tantric system continued for 48 hours, when there was no improvement in the condition of the boy, he was taken to the doctor where the doctor told him dead.
Actually, these videos are being reported to Narayanpur village of Bhagalpur. According to the information, the sentence is of one February.
The boy named Tiro, who lives here, is seen with a cobra. It is being told that he often played with poisonous snakes.
On Thursday, he was also teasing a cobra. In the meantime, Cobra took that bite.
- Even after snake bites, family members took the blindness of the superstition to Tantric instead of taking them to the doctor.
Actually, these videos are being reported to Narayanpur village of Bhagalpur. According to the information, the sentence is of one February.
The boy named Tiro, who lives here, is seen with a cobra. It is being told that he often played with poisonous snakes.
On Thursday, he was also teasing a cobra. In the meantime, Cobra took that bite.
- Even after snake bites, family members took the blindness of the superstition to Tantric instead of taking them to the doctor.
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