Farah Khan, who has acted in 90's superhit film 'Jaan Tere Naam', has been missing from Bollywood for a long time. Farhad is currently living with his husband and cricketer Manoj Prabhakar in Delhi. After the movie 'Jan Tere Naam', Farhane was seen romancing with Akshay in the 1994 film 'Naar Ke front'. By the way, before that, the movie was also made in Akshay's sister in 'Sainik'. However, in 1997, he got a secret marriage with cricketer Manoj Prabhakar and suddenly left for Bollywood to go to Delhi.
According to reports, Deepak Balraj Vij, director of the movie 'Jan Tere Naam' had approached him for the sequel of this film. But Farhane refused to work in the film saying that he does not want to play a mother's role.
According to reports, Deepak Balraj Vij, director of the movie 'Jan Tere Naam' had approached him for the sequel of this film. But Farhane refused to work in the film saying that he does not want to play a mother's role.
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