Akshay Kumar's most popular movie 'Padman' is being released on February 9. This movie is also based on social cause. Well, talking about Akshay, he has been active in films for 27 years. In 1991, she made Bollywood Bollywood debut with director Raj Sippy's 'Saugand'. In this film, Rakhi Gulzar played her mother, while in the role of girlfriends, Shantipriya came to Bollywood with the South films. Shantipriya was only a widow at the age of 35
According to the information available on the Internet, the year Shaktipriya made her debut in Bollywood. He married actor Siddharth Ray in about 8 years, ie, in 1999. Siddharth also worked in films like Dynasty and Bajigar.
However, in 2004, 40-year-old Siddharth came to the Major Heart Attack and died. Shanti and Siddhartha have two children.
According to the information available on the Internet, the year Shaktipriya made her debut in Bollywood. He married actor Siddharth Ray in about 8 years, ie, in 1999. Siddharth also worked in films like Dynasty and Bajigar.
However, in 2004, 40-year-old Siddharth came to the Major Heart Attack and died. Shanti and Siddhartha have two children.
- Shantipriya has also worked in serials like 'Mata ki Chaki' and 'Dwarkadhyad Lord Shri Krishna'. Right now he can be seen playing the supporting role in Tamil films and serials.
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