Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film 'Padmavat' is making tremendous earnings. Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor have crossed the 275-crore mark in the starrer movie box office. The film team is now on Celebration mode and Bhansali is hosting the Grand Party on February 24. This is his 55th birthday on the same day, therefore the chance of celebration is also double. But Bhansali is planning some different plans instead of hosting this party in a five star hotel.
Believe in the close source that the filmmaker is going to host the party on Cruise. Bhansali will celebrate with his team at 'Ark Deck Bar'. These floating restaurants will depart from Bandra and stop in the middle of the sea, from where the beautiful view of Bandra Worli will be seen.
- This hotel, transformed into the hotel, has open bar area as well as private dining area. The specialty of this restaurant is that imported liqueurs are served here
Believe in the close source that the filmmaker is going to host the party on Cruise. Bhansali will celebrate with his team at 'Ark Deck Bar'. These floating restaurants will depart from Bandra and stop in the middle of the sea, from where the beautiful view of Bandra Worli will be seen.
- This hotel, transformed into the hotel, has open bar area as well as private dining area. The specialty of this restaurant is that imported liqueurs are served here
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