Most people know about Bollywood's popular director Vikram Bhatt but few people know about his daughter Krishna. Yes, Vikram Bhatt's daughter Krishna left her studies only after 12th. According to Krishna, my father always used to tell me if you have to go to the Desired Target, then why this study? I wanted to be a director from the beginning. In such a situation, when I was in the 9th class, my father began to force me to leave the studies.
According to Krishna, despite my father's pressure, my mother always told me to continue my studies.
- Mother often used to say to father that she should study, or else people would put an illiterate tag on it. While my father wanted me to leave school and work with him.
- Unfurrentally, in the 10th class I scored a good score and thought that I will now complete the 12th class.
According to Krishna, despite my father's pressure, my mother always told me to continue my studies.
- Mother often used to say to father that she should study, or else people would put an illiterate tag on it. While my father wanted me to leave school and work with him.
- Unfurrentally, in the 10th class I scored a good score and thought that I will now complete the 12th class.
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