This photo is from Khatu Shyam ji's door, which on Wednesday continued to be trending on social media. People said this door made of 70 kg of gold in a viral message. At the same time, its cost was estimated to be around 20 crores.
Actually, this message was viral on social media platforms that people wrote that a devotee of Delhi has built a gold door on the completion of the Murad. In the evening, the Sri Shyam Mandir Committee had to issue contempt for this rumor.
- Temple Committee's Pratap Singh said that the news is completely false. They told that the door was wooden. This door has been polished with a silver plated silver.
Actually, this message was viral on social media platforms that people wrote that a devotee of Delhi has built a gold door on the completion of the Murad. In the evening, the Sri Shyam Mandir Committee had to issue contempt for this rumor.
- Temple Committee's Pratap Singh said that the news is completely false. They told that the door was wooden. This door has been polished with a silver plated silver.
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