Bollywood actress Sridevi dies in Dubai on Saturday night due to a heart attack. The 54-year-old Sridevi husband, along with Bonnie Kapoor and the younger daughter Happi, had gone there to participate in the wedding of Mohite Marwah. Sridevi was born on August 13, 1963 in Minamapatti, a small village in Tamil Nadu. He acted in a Tamil film at the age of four. As an actress, he started his career with the Tamil film 'Munduru Mudichi' in 1976. Explain that Sridevi was the first Bollywood actress to get Rs 1 crore.
In Hindi films, actress Sridevi started her career in 1979 with the film 'Sixteen Savan' but she did not get success. In 1983, Sridevi once again stepped into Bollywood through the film 'Himmatwala' and then he did not look back. By the way, in the 80's and 90's, Sridevi's magic in Bollywood was such that not only heroine but hero also used to have innocence.
In Hindi films, actress Sridevi started her career in 1979 with the film 'Sixteen Savan' but she did not get success. In 1983, Sridevi once again stepped into Bollywood through the film 'Himmatwala' and then he did not look back. By the way, in the 80's and 90's, Sridevi's magic in Bollywood was such that not only heroine but hero also used to have innocence.
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